MySQL 8 is now the Default

8.0 is now the default MySQL version on JawsDB

MySQL version 8.0 is now the default version of MySQL for all new provisions of JawsDB MySQL. Users currently on a 5.7 version database will experience no change at the present time.

Any users of single-tenant databases (Whitetip plans and higher) currently on version 5.7 can request an in-place upgrade to 8.0 at any time by sending a ticket through Heroku or by sending an email to support.

Multi-tenant servers providing service to those with Kitefin, Leopard, and Blacktip plans will be upgraded at a future date. Some of the 5.7 servers will remain at that version much longer for those who do not wish to make the upgrade.

Heroku Users

New provisions for Heroku users can still be placed on MySQL 5.7 by adding a --version flag to the provision request.

On the CLI

$ heroku addons:create jawsdb:PLANNAME -a HEROKUAPPNAME --version=5.7